Projects: ︎︎︎World's Largest Rubbish Dump ︎︎︎Cube Corp. ︎︎︎The Morning Of The Storm ︎︎︎Modular Living ︎︎︎Above The Clouds ︎︎︎Films ︎︎︎Objects ︎︎︎Graphics

The future of humanity is uncertain as the Earth’s environment deteriorates, but fully sustainable enclosed spaces can offer a solution for survival. Sealed ecosystems can provide the necessary conditions for human survival, allowing us to weather the uninhabitable conditions outside while the earth recovers.

The Cube Corp. organisation’s purpose is to create spaces that allows volunteers to be fully sustained in a closed loop system, as well as researching mitigations for psychological impact of living in an enclosed environment.

We are not only responsible for the earth; we’re part of it. To sustain the environment is to sustain the human. Sustaining the environment is to improve and maintain resources for the future generation. Sustaining the human requires restriction human imprint on the world while maintaining the condition of health and mental state of the human. The act of limiting human activity allows the land to heal, rewild and return to its original state.